Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day

The t-shirt says it all. Except niece should be plural for me now. God help me if i ever become a father, or rather god help my daughter. (I'll fix the link when it dies in a couple days.)

It's been a long time. I've been meaning to update for a while, but i've been stuck in a zombie-like state for quite some time. My sleeping pattern has been even more erratic than normal. The last few days have seen in bed from 8am-noon. That's it. Sometimes less. I try to get to sleep at a decent hour, but our upstairs neighours seem to have taken up some nighttime hammering project. The last week or so we've heard banging at all hours of the day. It's not that loud, but it's enough to wake me up if i;m not in a deep sleep. I'll fall asleep for 10-25 minutes and then i'll hear some banging. I don't know what the hell is going on up there and telling them off would be useless.

On Friday we went downstairs from the hagwon for a few drinks with some people from work. We had a good time and i think i'm starting to get used to Korean Beer. The stuff is like water and on a trip to the bathroom i was at the urinal i didn't notice the two older Korean guys come up next to me at first. As i stood relieving myself i heard:





I thought they were just talking to themselves at first. Apparently they don't have the same Unspoken North American Urinal Rule in Korea where you stare straight ahead or straight down and there's NO TALKING to the strange guy next to you. I should have ignored them, but like an idiot i told them i was Canadian. In there horrible broken English they asked if i spoke Korean and if i was an English teacher. They pointed upstairs to ask if that's where i teach and tried asking how old i was. After that i think they were trying to make fun of me for going bald at 28 or something. I don't know. I tried to get away politely but they wouldn't leave me alone. I was gone so long a search party was sent out. The directors wife came out and got in between us. As i tried to walk away one of the guys grabbed my arm. I'd had about enough by then and just walked away. Other than that, we had fun drinking and talking. I learned a while ago that i can make people laugh that don't speak the same language and i managed to make the new secretary laugh a few times without any Korean. It was a good night.

In other news the director took us aside tonight and talked to us about going to Jeju-do island together. It's kind of like the Korean Hawaii, except not as warm, from what we've heard. When he first mentioned going together a while ago i didn't think he was really serious. He wants to go in late March. I only hope his two kids don't come along. He also talked about having stay longer since we're doing an all right job and most of the kids like us. We told him about how C needs to go back home for a while to see her family. Surprisingly to us he was interested in finding a solution that would allow us to go home for a few months and then come back to teach again. I guess we'll wait and see what the future holds.


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