Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Might as well continue my mental purge since i still have a load-and-a-fucking-half of laundry left to do. On to Saturday and our trip to Seoul.

We decided to go to Seoul to pick up my Christmas present and a new memory card for our camera amongst other things. I snapped this pick from the back of our bus ticket, because unfortunately the bad English was on the part the driver rips off. Pretty much everything under #4 is pure gold. I love Engrish! While i tried to catch up on a little sleep C listened to her MP3 player. About half way through the ride a Korean girl behind us struck up a conversation with C. Right from the start i realized where it was headed. Her English wasn't too bad, and it was nice to hear English outside of work. She asked C why she was heading to Seoul and if we lived in Wonju. Then she asked if we knew Korean and if we'd like to learn. We heard from J and elsewhere that people will try to be your friend to get free English lessons. This was the first time it had happened to us in our eight months in Wonju. I actually didn't mind. She was really nice and it would be really nice to be able to hang out with someone else. She gave us a call on Sunday and i think we'll try to get together sometime after Japan.

Our day in Seoul was the coldest we've had so far. It was somewhere around -14 with a face numbing wind. Where the fuck was the wind in the summer? I would have humped a crazy toothless ajuma for good stiff breeze in the summer. Walking around Seoul wasn't too fun with a frozen face. We got some cold BK in Itaewon before we headed over to my personal heaven, Yongsan. It's an electronics Mecca and if i didn't have a girlfriend i wouldn't care because i'd be too busy playing with all the shit i'd buy from there. Tonnes of cameras, MP3 players, TV's, computers, etc. We picked up an MP3 player for me for Christmas and a big memory card for our camera cheap. We even got a few little things for C. The bus ride home was full and we got stuck in the back row of five seats, which ended up fitting six. Some crazy foreign couple decided to squish the two of them in the seat beside me, instead of moving an assholes bag that was taking up a seat and be separated. A few minutes later i turned to C and said, "Fifty bucks says the bus breaks down." Luckily for us after a half hour an older gentleman and his companion offered to sit split up so we weren't too uncomfortable for the rest of the ride and the breakdown was averted.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

awesome dudes!


3:32 a.m.  

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