Monday, May 01, 2006

I know. I didn't update when i said i would, but i had a good reason. We were surprised the other evening when the former secretary of the hagwon decided to visit for a night out on the town. She was really worried about the lack of a common language when no other teachers could come out. So much so that she wanted to bring a dictionary out with us. I tried to assure her that with a little beer we would be fine. After six liters or so between the two of us a common language had been found. She was feeling much more social and ended up coming back to our (filthy) apartment for some Uno. I think the beer really helped her loosen up a little, and i think she had a good time.

Yesterday was a trip to Seoul to book some tickets to Thailand and do some shopping. Today was laundry/cleaning and relaxing. Since i don't feel like writing much, I thought i'd give you a taste of what we experience on a daily basis. At the soccer game a couple of weeks ago this little girl spent the majority of her time looking at us. I managed to sneak this pic of her. I hate being so damn good looking.


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