Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I luv Engrishie. I finally found the pencil case of my dreams. I found this gem while shopping for groceries last week. Yeah, that's right. I'm man enough to carry a pink pencil case. I'm comfortable with my heterosexuality and can take the laughing from eight year old girls. Some of my older kids told me zzazzangmyeon are some kind of black noodles. I would have updated earlier, but i haven't been able to connect to any blogspot sites for almost a week. Some people have theories about what's going on.

It's been a busy couple weeks with the intensive course, writing tests, and marking. Hopefully next week will be better once the report cards are out and we're back to a normal schedule. The intensive course is 70 minutes of pain. It's a reading class of five older kids. I have to stretch about 30 minutes of material to fit the class. I try to have discussion and give them interesting fodder for conversation, but it's like getting blood from a stone with them. I actually prefer my younger classes. At least i don't have problems getting them to talk. I had one kid in my first class today whip a crumpled Yu-Gi-Oh card into the side of my face. On Friday the same kid had whipped a collapsible ball over my head before class. During the test they were writing that day i had to half tackle the little bastard as he lunged to put a beating on a smaller kid. He had been looking at the smaller kids paper and the kid hit him. One more thing and that kid's out of the school.

I was correcting some one of the younger kids' papers and he had put C-R-A-P as the answer under the picture of the stem of a flower. On the last page the kids were to insert the correct word in the sentence. His sentence read "I cut the CRAP of the flower." Made me chuckle a bit.


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