Let Freedom Reign?
The recent temporary insanity demonstrated by my fellow Canadians got me thinking about the west and my country's place in the world. I really cannot see how an educated individual could vote for the party now in power. (Not that the other party leaders are perfect.) Why can't people see past all the bullshit campaign promises and hidden agendas? I guess the same thing happened in the US, but it still makes no sense to me. Harper was recently quoted saying he's ready to "start rebuilding this great country." I didn't think the country was a total disaster, but i guess some did. I was fine with having putting some of the budget surplus back into education and health care and using the rest to pay down the debt. With all he's promising to change where the hell is the money going to come from, especially since he promised to lower the GST. He plans on taking in less money from taxes, but spend way more on things like National Defense. It doesn't add up. Unless, of course, it means we'll soon be in Iraq as well as Afghanistan. I'm guess the $5 billion the US owes us in illegal tariffs on softwood lumber will go unpaid. Harper bitched about how Martin's camp antagonized the US administration over the money owed. They owe us $5 billion! Give us our fucking money! If it was the other way around they would be kicking up a shit-blizzard. I was enjoying seeing a leader show a little backbone for a change. Will Canada ever have a strong leader again? Maybe i'll be back in Korea soon after i leave.
Google's decision to agree to censorship so they can enter the lucrative Chinese market got me thinking some more. On CBC's website they have a look at China called The Revolution and Evolution in Modern China. Since i was only 12 at the time i went back and watched the newscast from the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Where was the US when a million people were screaming and dying for freedom? Do they only pick fights on those smaller than them? What about Rwanda? Even more died there. Where was Canada's voice? The change Canada really needs can only come from within its people, not from a politician or a political party. But that's just my opinion.
-insomniac out.
Google's decision to agree to censorship so they can enter the lucrative Chinese market got me thinking some more. On CBC's website they have a look at China called The Revolution and Evolution in Modern China. Since i was only 12 at the time i went back and watched the newscast from the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Where was the US when a million people were screaming and dying for freedom? Do they only pick fights on those smaller than them? What about Rwanda? Even more died there. Where was Canada's voice? The change Canada really needs can only come from within its people, not from a politician or a political party. But that's just my opinion.
-insomniac out.