Thursday, November 10, 2005

I felt like perverted foreigner when i was taking this pic in Seoul. Oh, wait... I am a perverted foreigner. I guess that makes it OK. I think if C every breaks up with me i might come back to look for a new girlfriend. There are some cute girls here, but they all seem to have self esteem/image issues. Even more than at home. That helps even the playing field for a less than average looking guy like myself.

The last few weeks have been frustrating. Our superiors at school keep switching what they want to do when it comes to testing and handing out report cards. It makes an incredible amount of work for us when they keep changing things with no notice. On top of that i now have zero breaks, every other teacher has a couple at least. I have to take extra classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays to try and help some kids in a KD class i have that don't even know what sound each letter makes. At the end of the last semester i told them these kids shouldn't be moved up because they wouldn't be able to handle it. They moved them up anyway and they seemed surprised and worried that they're getting marks that are below 40. The kids weren't taught the basics for reading by the previous teacher, and now i have to try and make up for it in less than a month. Another KB kid i have doesn't show up half the time and the other half he misses the lesson when he's late. I told them he can't read anything and refuses to give answers in class. They decided to move him up with the others anyway. They say there's no other place for him because he's too old to go in a lower class. What the fuck? I thought we trying to help them learn. Shouldn't what level of English the kid has matter more? This kid will be way in over his head in KC. He should be starting at the beginning in KA. So basically i just babysit him for 40 minutes three times a week. There seems to be no logic to their reasoning. If the kid doesn't learn anything eventually the parents will wonder why the fuck they're paying all this money to the hagwon and pull him out. If you hold him back and he learns he may stay learning at the same place for years. They have more kids for the short term, but few will stay for the long term unless they keep pulling them in. They really need to decide whether we're there to teach or be over priced babysitters.

On top of things i've been feeling even more run-down than normal. Sleep has been shit. I can't remember what month it was when i last got 8 hours of sleep in a row. Even taking some natural sleeping pills last night i got less than 6 hours. It's also been over a month since i had any solid mucus in my nose. (Sorry.. too much info, i know.) It's like i've have the tail end of a cold forever. I do maintain hope that things will improve someday.


Blogger Frank said...

I thought the S. Korean women were fantastic to look at too. :)

I loved how they would look at their shoes as soon as our eyes made contact.

3:56 a.m.  

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