It's Been A While
It's been a long time since i last blogged. No, my sleeping habits haven't improved at all. The last couple weeks have been quite busy and on top of that i've been ill. I'm still attempting to shake the remnants of this cold, well over a week since it began. The last few weeks we've been spent preparing tests, marking test, marking book reports, preparing report cards, and teaching classes. Now that that's all finished i have to make my syllabi for October and also have a few classes left to write this week. It's been one thing after another. The kids' test scores improved quite a bit, so it looks like we should still be here for a while. I'm hoping once October begins things will slow down a bit. Haven't taken any good pictures lately. Hopefully we'll get out for a bit tomorrow today if it's not raining again.
-insomniac out.
-insomniac out.